
Monday 10 July 2017

6 Ways to Boost your Income

Everybody would love to have extra money every month. Finding methods of getting that income boost doesn’t really have to be that hard; it only calls for one to become creative. Financial experts say it’s possible to boost your income while still at your current workplace or you could try and venture out of the box.
Below are six creative ways of how you can increase your personal income.

1.         Negotiating your salary

If you already got a job, the natural place to begin your quest is to ask your employer for a pay raise. Of course, this could be at times quite intimidating, but it pays to remember that asking has never hurt anybody. Seek a meeting with your boss and come prepared with several points on your accomplishments, the value you are adding to the team, and why you are convinced you deserve an income hike.

Advanced degrees and certifications are powerful tools when it comes to negotiating for a better package. Career experts indicate that these are becoming prerequisites if you want to advance in management positions. Therefore consider the possibility of continuing your education as a potential tool for boosting your income.

An additional tip while still on negotiating for better pay is by studying the job description for the post or position ahead of what you are currently holding, and then making sure you acquire the skill set required to perform that specific job.

2.         Start Online Freelancing

An online freelancer offers services to businesses and individuals. Freelancing is extremely flexible such that it’s possible to set your own working hours (part-time or full-time). As a freelancer, you will be working more like an independent online contractor or consultant. Options are many ranging from writing articles, blogs or technical documents.

Freelancing allows you the leeway of setting your own price, often much higher than what you would normally make as a full-time employee in an office. Today there are several well-designed online freelancing courses that can take your freelancing venture to the next level. A leading source of outstanding freelancing courses is Inkwell who have several ongoing courses. You can click on this link for more details or enrollment

3.         Become a mystery shopper

This is one line of side income which many don’t advantage of. When you get engaged as a mystery shopper, you will have the advantage of shopping to earn money instead of having to spend your own money. Big stores usually engage mystery shoppers who go into some pre-selected locations with the goal of scouting the store, members of staff and the experience. According to Yahoo News, it’s possible to be paid anything between $5 and $20 for paying a visit to a store, taking some specified actions while there such as purchasing a (reimbursable) item, and then filling out and submitting a report.

4.         Setting up your online shop

Perhaps you love painting, making jewelry or craft that family and friends are always keen about. Why not set up an online shop and sell your wares? What may be trash to you could be another person’s treasure. Try taking your memorabilia, spare clothing and other items you are not using anymore and put them for sale on eBay or set up a virtual closet. You could also host a garage sale or take your items to a consignment shop.

5.         Earn income off your vehicle

Perhaps you are not aware that in some countries you could get paid for simply putting paid advertisements on your personal car. Companies such as Free Car Media actually pay monthly if you agree to have an advertiser’s auto wrap placed on your car. It is also possible to rent out your parking spot in your garage or driveway or garage.

6.         Take up a second part time job

Odd jobs such as lawn care, house cleaning, babysitting, and pet sitting are all excellent methods of making easy and fast money. Talk to neighbors, family, and friends for referrals or put up some flyers in strategic areas in your area advertising your availability. You may also think about taking up part-time jobs such as a waiter, store attendant, bartender or nanny to earn some extra cash besides your regular 9 to 5 routine.

You can either take on temp jobs related or unrelated to your career. Writing for the ‘The Wall Street Professional’s Survival Guide’ Roy Cohen, author and career coach in New York advises that if for example, you are currently working in a publishing firm, you could request your employer to allow you to freelance for other outside clients. Personal interests and hobbies such as travel, fitness, real estate or gardening can lead to part time jobs at travel agencies, local gyms, nurseries or real-estate companies.

Perhaps you speak a second language, why not offer chargeable classes at your community center or local library? You could be great at math and start tutoring local kids in your community.


Boosting your income has many benefits for you and your family - mainly, the ability to afford a better quality lifestyle, and also the security brought about by better income especially during unexpected events. However, you must be ready to do what it calls for, such as sacrificing your relaxation hours or even going back to college.

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